Glass seal feedthrough
Leakage Rate : 1*10‾⁸ atm.cc/sec
Resistivity : 10¹⁵ Ω/SQ (
High Mechanical Strength, High Temperature Resistance
High Precision Dimension, Chemical Resistance
SPCC steel, Stainless Steel, Expansion Alloys (Kovar, Alloy42/52)
We offer not only electrical feedthroughs, but also RF and microwave feedthroughs.
Glass-to-metal seals are very effective in sealing hermetically during severe temperature changes as well as sudden changes in pressure or humidity. Usually are specified in high-pressure and high-temperature applications. Glass is an excellent insulator and bond well to metallic surfaces and is extremely corrosion resistant. We offer a complete line of glass seal products for a wide variety of uses.
The glass-to-metal seal feedthroughs can be plated for better corrosion resistance, wire bonding and soldering capabilities. Plating options include gold, silver, electrolytic and electroless Ni and tin.